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KI Systems' Documentation provides on-line access to user & system administration manuals, help files, and installation reference for KI Systems Products.

We Support the following Products and Platforms

Windows Vista & Windows XP

Office 2007


Systems Administration Manual for Office Automation Tools
(Includes Office, Employee, Form Bank, Client Matter and Data Dictionary Setting Instructions)

Form Bank Organizer Manual 
(Includes How To instructions to create and maintain Form Bank Organizer entries)

Remote Version Manual 
(Includes installation, use instructions and security information)

Standard format Help Files - To Download, right-click 'Save Target As'

Office Automation Tools 2007
(Includes Business Pak, Pleading Pak, Enterprise Address Book & Administrative use instructions)

Numbering Tool 2007
(Numbering Tool 2007 Help file for the Microsoft Office System)

Metadata Tool 2007
(Metadata Tool 2007 Help file for the Microsoft Office System)

Please note: Due to a new security feature in Windows, the help file(s) may not be displayed correctly. If you experience this, please right-click the file and then on the General tab, click Unblock.


Numbering Tool for Office 2007 - Installation Guide

Metadata Tool for Office 2007 installation Guide

SQL Server 2008 & 2005


SQL Express 2005 - Database Restore & Backup Guide

Office 2003


Systems Administration Manual for Office Automation Tools 
(Includes Office, Employee, Form Bank, Client Matter and Data Dictionary Setting Instructions)

Form Bank Organizer Manual 
(Includes How To instructions to create and maintain Form Bank Organizer entries)

Remote Version Manual 
(Includes installation, use instructions and security information)

Outlook Synchronizer Manual 
(Includes requirements, installation and use information)

Standard format Help Files - To Download, right-click 'Save Target As':

Office Automation Tools
(Includes Business Pak, Pleading Pak, Enterprise Address Book use instructions)

Numbering Tool for Office 2003

Metadata Tool for Office 2003 

Installation Manuals:

Numbering Tool for Office 2003 - Installation Guide

Metadata Tool for Office 2003 - Installation Guide

Office XP 


Systems Administration Manual for Office Automation Tools
Form Bank Organizer Manual
Remote Version Manual
Outlook Synchronizer Manual

Standard format Help Files - To Download, right-click 'Save Target As':

Office Automation Tools
Numbering Tool for Office XP
Metadata Tool for Office XP
DMS "Smart" Footer Macro

Installation Manuals:

Numbering Tool for Office XP - Installation Guide
Metadata Tool for Office XP - Installation Guide
DMS "Smart" Footer Macro for Hummingbird 5.0
DMS "Smart" Footer Macro Interwoven DeskSite 6.0.1a
MSDE Server/Client Installation Guide

Documentation for older versions of Office no longer supported may be found here.