Letter and Personal Letter


The Firm Letter and Personal Letter Template wizards provide an easy way to produce correspondence:

  • Recipients Tab
    Select either a hard or an updating date
    Access the firm's Address Book or your Outlook Contacts for addressee information
    Choose to include/exclude the firm's logo
    List the addressee names in a table format

Letter wizard

  • Letter Information Tab
    Up to three Re lines
    Select a salutation from the drop down menu
    Select Mailing Certifications from the drop down menu

Letter wizard
  • Signature Tab
    Author information is pre-filled with the author's preferences
    from the Employee Database
    This screen allows the author to select/remove these options

Letter wizard - Signature Tab

  • Attachments and Routing Tab
    Select Attachments or Enclosures
    Enter cc and bcc recipients here

Letter wizard - Attachments & Routing Tab

  • Office Location Tab
    If your firm has multiple offices, the Office Locations tab will appear. 
    Select the office to which you are assigned and
    the correct address and phone information will be used

Letter wizard - Locations Tab


Business Pak...

What's Included:

Business Templates

Standard Macros

Address Book Reports