Enterprise Remote Version

 KI Systems' Enterprise Remote Version enables you to provide your users with same features and functionality that are available to network users. This includes the ability to:

  • Access the Enterprise Address Book contact information while "On the Road."

  • Create Documents using the same process you use in the Office.

  • Track creation of new contact records while "On the Road." 

  • Track modifications to existing contact records while "On the Road."

  • Synchronize the "On the Road" contact records with the network database.

Before you Leave the Office:

Before you go "On the Road" click the "Go Mobile" option. If you wish to retrieve the latest Enterprise Address Book contact records from the network database - check the "Update Database" beforehand.  'Going Mobile' places a copy of your Owner List of Enterprise Address Book contact records into a 'local' database you may access anytime.  It also modifies your system settings so Address Book will function as if you are in the office. 

Once the process is complete, disconnect from the network and you are on your way.

When returning to the Office:

Connect to the network in the normal fashion, open Remote Version and click Go Network.  If you also wish to update the Firm's database with new records or modifications made while away from the office - check the "Update Database" option before you re-attach to the firms network (Go Network) database.


Remote Version provides security for Enterprise Address Book contact record transfers and updates. Remote "downloads" Enterprise Address Book contact records where the user is designated as an Owner. This provides a short list of preferred contacts and not the firm's full Address Book database. 

Remote "uploads" Enterprise Address Book contact records and verifies that the remote user's modifications are the most current. Date and Time stamps, both on the network and in the remote database, are checked for accuracy using last updated by.


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What's Included:

Enterprise Remote Version