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Tips and Tricks



Tips and Tricks - Address Book


Accessing the Address Book Without Launching Word

The program to access the Address Book outside of Word is called kiabent.exe and it is located in the Windows or WINNT directory.  You can double click on this file from Windows Explorer, run it from the Run Command or create a shortcut to it on your desktop.

To create a shortcut:

  • Right mouse click on a blank area on the desktop

  • Select New, Shortcut

  • In the Location field, type:  c:\windows\kiabent.exe or c:\winnt\kiabent.exe depending upon your operating system.

  • Click Next.

  • Enter a name for the shortcut, for example, "Firm Address Book"

  • Click Finish

  • Double click on the new shortcut and your firm's address book will appear.